Build your profesional Discord server with EtrevBot
  • Discover many commands to help you create your perfect server.
  • Frequent website and bot updates.
  • Many Beta tests.
  • Vote for our bot on
    If you vote for my bot, I will be greatful to you, beacause I try to make this bot the best I can. Thank you!
    See all commands
    If you want to see EtrevBot commands click the button below. Also note the permissions that require a command.
    Need help?
    Contact us or check documentation. First of all, you should check documentation, because there you will find a lot of information. We also have a Support Server on Discord.
    I care about the safety of my customers and change the bot token every 2 weeks and do not show it to anyone. I also take care of bot hosting and have my own.
    Low latency
    My local hosting responds quickly. Sometimes it happens that it won't answer, but this is rare. I try to ensure that the bot responds as quickly as possible and has the lowest ping.
    I try to ensure that everything is done with accuracy and that the website or bot does not have any errors. Don't worry that my projects will not work properly.
    How to contact me?
  • Email:
  • Discord Support Server: link
  • Discord profile: link
  • Attention: E-mail may sometimes be inactive because this method of communication is not used often.